New Industrial Order

New Industrial Order (N.I.O.) is a laboratory for fashion on demand. An initiative for creative and visionary designers, engineers and entrepreneurs who work together to create a circular system for order-made fashion.


With today’s technologies we can reduce overproduction and waste. We can enable people to buy less but better clothes and create an efficient and responsible closed loop supply chain.

We envision ultra-personalized clothes produced on demand of unique customers, in a transparent and accessible industrial system. We design elements of this new system and test them in our network of customers and partners around the world.


3D printed knitwear

3D knitting is one of the most promising methods for circular fashion. Clothes can be order-made without creating waste, saving energy and materials. Due to the seamless construction, 3D knitwear can be unravelled and yarn can be re-used.


From bulk to on demand

N.I.O. supports designers and brands in the transition to knitwear on demand. Currently we are developing a white label collection. A continuous, modular collection composed of building blocks of Knitcode, that enables designers and brands to create their own signature styles.



Introducing Knitcloud: A Fashion-on-demand platform that connects knitwear orders to available knitting capacity around the world.



The N.I.O. laboratory works on a range of topics that contribute to an efficient and responsible fashion on demand supply chain. From virtual sampling to closing the knitwear loop.

 “If we join hands we can restore the balance between what is used and what is produced”

Annelie Ansingh & Rosanne van der Meer, Founders of New Industrial Order